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Restaurant Group Creates 510 Conversions
A local restaurant group looking to promote more lunch and dinner specials during COVID engaged with Landmarks Digital to bring more walk-ins and customers on days when business was slower. The results are impressive!
A restaurant group was looking to promote lunch and dinner specials and drive online and in-person visits during COVID so they could continue to stay in business, pay their employees and survive the pandemic. After a successful initial campaign in late 2019, the restaurant group trusted Landmarks to scale their services to three additional campaigns.
Landmarks and the restaurant group worked closely to establish and initial target set of locations and behavior triggers. Selecting nearby competitors as well as captive audiences, Landmarks used GeoFencing technology to draw digital fences around these locations to serve the client’s message to users within those fences. The goals was to draw in new customers from those with behavior patterns that saw them go out to dine frequently as well as to serve ads to visitors who would have no means of making their own meals. This campaign would capture both walk-in traffic as well as those who visit the client’s website and made reservations online.
Over two months into the campaign, Landmarks was able to deliver more than 500 conversions to the four locations, defined as the number of individuals who entered the geofences, were delivered an advertisement and then visited the advertiser’s restaurant or clicked on the reservation button.
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